Mikome's sprite is nearing completion, though I will not post the final copy up. I will post all the front views of all the sprites, but not the full sheet, because as I said in the previous thread, Jade Elegy will probably be one of the first games in VX that will be 100% customized with resources.
Including Tilesets.
Because of this, I would like to show some of the games that are responsible for the inspiration and motivation of Jade.
Kailis - Created by Axerax of RRR, this game has been in production for 8 years. This game is a huge motivation because of the ideas of using completely custom material.
If Axe can prove it's possible to make such a game, then we will too! His game features unique fighting systems, story, and interesting graphics!
Most of you heard of Kailis, anyway. Here's one game that does not get enough spotlight.
Created by Ashivir, it's Lost Heaven. It's a brilliant game, still in progress, and has a 3-4 hour demo up, currently. A lot of the game are cutscenes, and don't expect something small, Ashivir is the god of eventing. His game is familiar with fighting to FFIX, and the story is unique.
Well, I'll post more inspirations every once in a while, but this won't be a common update, nor will it count as a daily update.