Welcome to the Jade Elegy Blog! This will be daily updated to show the games progress.
Let's start off by introducing one of the characters of the game!
Courtesy of Omegazion, all project staff members will be get to make their very own custom character. And by custom, I mean
You can create a fighting style idea, and whatever scripting it needs, Omegazion, the messiah of the project as I will call him, can use his 1337 h4xorz skills to bring the idea to life.
But back to the character.

This is Julian. He is a dark character, whose fighting style will include using his own health for his own abilities. His dark personality will remind you of Vincent from FF7, or Auron, from FF10.
Well, that's a nice small update for today. I shall be asking TheFlep and Nekomage if either of them have any character requests, and I'm really looking forward to that! :o
Next Update is going to include the pictures of the two planned World Maps, Aida(The Land); and Lennea(The Sky). Aida will be the FFT-style world map, but Lennea will be a little bit different. Lennea you will be able to view from the menu, but since none of the areas in Lennea will be connected, all the gateways to the Lennea-areas will be located in Aida.
Before I'm done, I'll put a little bit more info up.
Centria - The World-Trade center, it is a huge city of wealth. People come from all over to trade goods here.
Kuruer - The world military power, it is very popular here, and security is VERY high.
Tropa - The tropical city, where jobs and oppurtunity always exists, due to all the natural resources.
Teknos - The "Tokyo" city. They rely on machines and such, and alchemy. They are against Magic, completely.
Dortza - This country heavily resorts on Magic, and is against Technology, and is in a rival with Teknos, though Dortzaan's and Teknosines usually get along together well.
Pink Waters - City that rebelled from Dortza after an incident of changing the water pink. Was formerly known as Daltza before said incident.
Krou - Pirate town, home to pirates
Horei - Wintery Medieval City; home to Dwarves
Kanbu - Swampy city; home to Geomes(Elves)